
Questions Qonita Rama Alex
Have you ever used Nafas App? If Yes, what do you ussualy do with theapp? If No,have You ever installed similar Air Quality App? Never used before Never used before Never used before
If you care about Air Quality, have you ever considered about knowing the current Air quality Real-Time? Yes, I have, because I have children who need to be looked after from air quality. Usually use a mask Not Yet Not Yet
If you considered to have real-time Air Quality in your area, Do you need to be reminded? Yes, it’s necessary Yes, it’s necessary Yes, really need
Did you know Feature alert in Nafas App? don’t know yet don’t know yet don’t know yet
In fact Air Quality in Indonesia is getting worse espcially in Jakarta. What information do you need, do yo think the suggestion really help for you? Yes, sometimes it is quite helpful to know what needs to be done Yes, it's really necessary, because I have asthma and need to know the condition of the surrounding air Yes, to do sports such as running/running requires good air quality

UT Scenario Record

(1) Turn on Alert time based on Current location

(2) Activate AQI Alert based on location favorites

(3) Alternative way to activate Alert

(4) Alert Tutorial

Post Tasks Question

Questions Qonita Rama Alex
What did you feel when you run through the prototype? Pretty good but there was some confusion at the start In terms of the User Interface it is good, in terms of the journey there are a number of things that need to be made to make it more familiar Good and no problems related to flow
Did you find any difficulties in every each tasks? there are several tasks where every step feels confused because the task of the scenario are not clear The task scenario is confusing maybe because it's the first time, but after trying the prototype there is no problem Found no problem.
Do you have any critics or advices for us? In terms of alerts, it's good, it's just that maybe favorite locations can be clarified again so that they are even clearer The task scenario needs to be improved so as not to confuse the user The User Interface might be made more interesting in my subjective opinion. Overall it's been good
Please give me a rate from 0-10, how’s your experience during run through the prototype? 6.5 6 8

Photo and Video Record


